Sunday, July 4, 2010

Live with it

If i dont like something, my friend says 'live with it'. Well that is the actual condition of the Indians. We are all living with the oppression and victimization of the government and the politicians over us. We just dream of foreign countries and their governments but do nothing for our country. We are people hiding in the shadow and waiting for the sunlight, we don’t have the courage to get out into the real world.

What have we done for our country? Nothing! We cannot blame the politicians for this because we all know they are only after money and power, it is us who have to change. Ganga- is it a holy river or a sewage dump? Does everyone in the country get water even though we have one of the biggest rivers in the world? Do we have good roads? Does the road construction ever end? Is there 24 hr electricity in the country? Is the traffic discipline followed? The answer is NO. And we are living with it. Petrol prices are skyrocketing ,there is inflation in food prices, but we are living with it. Because we don’t care. Indian railways suck, but we still travel in them. Substandard quality roads are built every year, just because the municipal corporation has to spend their money before the financial year end. Its built every year and is washed away by the rain.

Hamare vote karne se kya hoga ? Yahaan ka to system hi kharab hai… What can I do? This is what we think. In our country 65% of illiterates and 75% of slumdwellers vote-and why should’nt they? They are paid for it, they need money to survive. And we just watch and LIVE WITH IT. I know we can do anything for the country, but we don’t want to.

Indian youth is the most intelligent, hardworking and sincere in the world, we have the best doctors, scientists, artists, sportspersons in the world. We have global teaching institutes, we have reached the moon, we have the largest manpower in the world, we have the one of the best armies of the world. We are a nuclear superpower. Reliance ,Tata, Wipro, Infosys are huge multinationals. The new terminal 3 at the IGI airport is surely a wonder of the modern Indian era. We have globally recognized champions like Vishwanathan Anand and Sachin Tendulkar and Saina Nehwal now. But even after having all this we manage to say that INDIA WILL BE A SUPERPOWER TOMORROW. Why tomorrow? Where is today gone? For something to happen tomorrow, we have to start today. There has to be a renaissance and we have to bring it.

You need not be the best to start with, but to become the best you have to start somewhere… it is our generation who has to do it, and lead the country ahead. Do it not for money, but for the self satisfaction that you will get.